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  • Writer's picturecebuanamermaid

An International Student Valedictorian in Canada!

I graduated in Industrial Engineering at the University of San Carlos, Cebu, Philippines. It was a 5-year program but I got extended for a year. I had about 3 failed subjects in my university days back home. While I was in high school, I didn’t get any awards and I was one of these students who cut classes. Lol. I didn’t really care much about my studies.

When I graduated in college and got a job, I started to become serious with my career and my achievements. My competitiveness has been developed and nurtured by my entire 7-year career in a performance-driven salary increase company. I had always given my best at work and had always been one of the top performers in my department. The satisfaction of being trusted by my managers is what drives me to excel in that competitive culture. It was exhausting but that’s what we were encourage to do. As our business tag line says --> “High Performance. Delivered.”

That competitive attitude is what I brought when I came to study in Canada. I came here with all my savings and "yet to" hard-earn money, so I want to make sure it is worth it. Since I was alone here and no budget for leisure, I spent my time in my bedroom and just study and make assignments on weekdays. (I work all weekends). I was always active in school, participating in class, joining any school activities and volunteer events and encourage my classmates to do the same. I volunteered to be the class representative for our Student Council in NBCC so most faculty knew me. I never missed a class and I always arrived in class on time. My lowest grade was 91/100 though the passing grade is just 60/100. My teachers knew that I was pretty serious with what I came here for.

On March 27, 2018, we received an email regarding nominating someone to be NBCC’s 2018 Valedictorian. Students may be nominated by faculty or staff, a fellow student or themselves. Being an NBCC’s Valedictorian doesn’t only mean that you got the highest grade in class. NBCC is encouraging its students to get involve with the community and it is not just all about grades. So participating in any extra curricular activities specially volunteerism or community service is a big plus. A written short summary on how the student meets the criteria must be included along the nomination. Below were the criteria on top of the required minimum GPA:

  • Interpersonal and teamwork skills

  • Community and student activities involvement

I thought valedictorian position was per class (same as our laude system back in the Philippines) so I honestly was confident one of my teachers will nominate me. After all, we are just 10 in class! Lol. Until I received an email on April 25, 2018. I found out that there is only one Valedictorian for the whole campus, for all programs! And the process is tedious.

Challenge accepted. *shaking inside*

I told my friends it is a loss cause. There are so many great (local and international) students in NBCC. I chickened out. But these friends kept pushing me to give it a shot. There is nothing to lose anyway. This time I didn’t make so much effort as I don’t want to keep my hopes up. So I just drafted my presentation detailing my background (where I come from, how and why I came here, etc. ) and my contribution in school and in the community. For compliance purposes, I went to my scheduled presentation date (May 24, 2018) and read my presentation to the selection committee composed of about 6-8 people. I thought I already screwed it up since I was basically just reading my presentation and had very limited eye contact to the audience. I didn’t have practice because like I said, I thought it’s a loss cause. But I guess they were so amazed with my story, my background.

The following day, May 25, 2018, I received one of the best emails of my life! Out of all 716 students in New Brunswick Community College – Moncton, I was chosen to be the Student Valedictorian of 2018! I was shaking and my heart was pounding hard when I read this email.

I had to read it 3 times to make sure I read it correctly and my brain wasn’t just making things up.

On June 20, 2018, I raised the Philippine flag at the Moncton Coliseum, New Brunswick, Canada! 😊

I delivered my Valedictory address to the whole 2018 graduating class of NBCC Moncton. I was holding my small Philippine flag while I was in the stage doing my speech and my supportive friends in the audience were bringing a huge Philippine flag.

This experience made me realize that "It is never too late to start over again and be a better version of yourself."

After all the struggles, I made it!

June 20, 2018: The chosen Student Valedictorian of NBCC Moncton out of 716 graduates is a proud Filipino!

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