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Writer's picturecebuanamermaid

International Student Adventure Begins

Updated: Jan 9, 2019

I had many travels which are well-documented since I personally make our detailed itineraries with budgets. I had traveled to 12 countries: Hongkong, Macau, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Norway, Sweden, Germany and Denmark. And have been all around the islands of the Philippines, tourist spots and off-beaten spots. My friends kept telling me to start a blog about my travels to share my budget tips and itineraries. But I am too lazy to write blogs and so I just send them my excel file.

But now I am currently in another adventure that I want to document and share to whoever will go through the same journey. This is my biggest and scariest adventure so far as I am doing this all by myself. I should have started this blog a year ago, but my laziness took over. It isn’t too late to start anyway since I am still in this adventure. Halfway to my destination.

This blog won’t be about my travels. This would be about my Canadian Dream Journey via Student Visa.

"If your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough" - Ellen Johnson Sirleaf

So here it goes…

On August 23,2017, I took that leap of faith and aboard a flight bound for Canada, excited yet scared and clueless of what's going to happen. Friends, workmates and families were worried because I don't know anyone on the place that I am going. I guaranteed them it will all be fine though deep inside I too think I'm too crazy to do this, leaving my comfort zone in exchange of the unknown. But I still want to follow my dreams and not live in what-ifs.

I started from scratch from a PMO Senior Analyst back home to a pizza cashier/order taker who mops floor and wiped tables and then to a homecare assistant working on night shifts, mopping floors, cleaning toilets, helping seniors, etc. And this is on top of studying full time. It was tough. I am living by paycheck, if I missed work, I wouldn't have enough to pay house rent. Despite the uncertainty, I remained positive. God surrounded me here with friends who kept my sanity. Thought of helping and seeing my family again in the Philippines keeps me going.

I graduated with the highest honor in the college as the NBCC Moncton Valedictorian for 2018, I got a paid internship and didn't have to continue working in the homecare and finally got a full-time permanent position as a Business Analyst in the biggest company of New Brunswick. Slowly, I am getting back on my feet. My challenge is not over yet. I still have to apply for Permanent Residency and I am still paying my monthly loan back home. But now I am certain, it will all be fine and it will all be worth it!

On my next post, I will write about how I did my student visa application with no agency.

Feel free to browse my other posts relating to being an international student in Moncton, New Brunswick based on my experience.

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